vietnamese independence weekend

Vietnamese Independence Weekend; a flood, a new apartment, crocodiles, Scotch tape, misinterpretations, fresh fruit, Buddha, smog, VietTexans, lightning storms, wood floors, mutant panda bears and three headed serpents.
It sure was a clash of the senses and thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. To start, this is the weekend when the Vietnamese people celebrate the date September 2nd 1945 when the democratic republic was formed.
Most of our workmates went out of town and we were left with James, Rebecca, Erin and Myself. I’ve mentioned James and Becca, but Erin is a 29 year old American that has been living in Asia for ten years. Her father owns a shipping company and is heading up several Asian locations. She studied business in the US, Mandarin in China and spent most of her time working back and forth between Bangkok and Saigon. Remember Loki in my first blog? That’s her dog. Actually Mokey, named after a character in Fraggle Rock. Hell yeah Erin.
We all had to decide what to do on this glorious occasion? Let’s do as we would assume any independent free thinking citizen would do. Head to the nearest amusement park. We had heard about this park from locals. They said there are giant Buddha statues, temples, roller coasters and fried food. HHmmm. I smell a dichotomy. Well, we had to see it for our own eyes. We arrived and I was looking at exactly what I was told, but there was no way I could have concocted this in my brain. It was beautiful and overwhelming at the same time. Sooooooo many people.
After about 4 hours or so, we concluded that we were the only westerners there. Did not see a single white face all day. In fact, people were walking up to us and pinching our arms. Because apparently when you’re dreaming your better off to pinch someone else. Especially someone you can’t believe your seeing. We had several random people come up to us for photographs, and eventually I felt I had to take on the pop star persona. I was doing some rediculous poses with these people and they followed suite. It was a blast. Six guns and peace signs, yeah man yeah.

The same weekend I moved into my new apartment. I should say our new apartment. Cori arrives on three days. Hell yeah. A diamond in the rough kind of place. Nice western layout with wood floors a great view and directly between work and the energy of downtown. Unfortunately our charming little neighborhood outside floods whenever it rains during high tide. Can’t win em all. Good thing were on the seventh floor.

At the end of it all I sat down for dinner at my favorite alley restaurant Ban Xeo. Fresh seafood barbeque, soups and cold beer. I sat next to a guy that has been living in Texas since the reunification in 1975. He’s here on holiday.

Went shopping for some odds and ends for the apartment and ran in to the 3M outlet store in City Centre. Took a little trip down memory lane. Eh it’s only been a month, but still. Miss ya guys. Thanks to Jon Kirschhoffer for making “Nice” a huge part of my vocabulary, Skulley keep on with the stories/ hope Ausie land was good for ya, Trotter, keep crushin it buddy. I miss the old power left. Sabbi, Va do you do.

Cheers to all.
Aaron stay safe on the rock buddy, how was the party? Congrats on Graduation, proud of you man. Mom’s, Dad’s, Grandmas and grandpas, feelin better and sure am glad we had the foresight to hook up with travel guard. Nick and sorelle hows sing sing? Lets get together and travel. Xmas, New Years? Pauly and JoeBro, you guys keep me inspired. Rechelda, patience is a virtue, stay chargin. Krissa cut cut snip snip, the best damn stylist in the Midwest for all I care. Malfunktional Andy, best of luck with the Burton gig. Jay are you alive? Dave and dennis what up stouties represent, I have a sweet flash site to forward you guys. It’s in French, but hilarious. You too Benji mashed potatoe Jones or whatever? Char, got bags? Julie, are you in San Diego yet. Yogi’s need love too. Mullins, keep designin posture love. Leggo maniac, strum the strings and spit on mic's. Love ya buddy. Cori, Loves see you in days. I’ll hit the rest of you on the next. Gotta rest up for tomorrow, Groove Armada is coming to Saigon. Not at the top of the list, but I’ll be there with bells on regardless.